
Is Guest Posting Secure For SEO?

  travel write for us Many newbie webmasters still wonder if Guest Posting is secure for SEO or not. They are afraid that their posts on other people's blogs or websites might hurt the ranking of their own site. They are also afraid that Google might de-list them just because they used a guest post without getting their permission first. Well, these fears are unfounded. First of all, it is important that you state clearly who the blog/website owner is. If the name is very generic, then people will not be able to recognize who you are. As a result, they won't be able to connect with you in any way. Just make sure to use your real name, as this is more likely to lead people to your website instead of another guest blogger. In addition to that, the blog or website where you guest post should have good rankings already. travel blogs that accept guest posts The reason why it is important that you have good rankings in a blog or site where you guest post is that search engines like G